blank Corp. Singapore

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blank Corp. Singaporeblank Corp. Singaporeblank Corp. Singapore

integrity fair play rule

Effective Workplace

We pursue continuous growth through change and innovation based on the concept of Blank. However, we will not focus on just the company's profit and growth. Ethical responsibility applies to individuals, the entire team, and also towards the society. The integrity fair play rule is designed to guide and improve any ethical dilemma that we may face during the company's growth process.

Code of Ethics


1. Respect pro
All management activities respect individual’s personality and are based on mutual trust in pros. We will strive to provide the highest level of welfare system and work environment, so that everyone at Blank will feel proud of their work and be satisfied with the company. We will establish a system for workplace health and safety by complying with international standards and related laws and regulations.
2. Reasonable and fair treatment
'blank' provides a fair opportunity for the company and Pros to grow together, and all tasks are rationally assessed, rewarded according to their abilities and performance, and not competing against one another. In order to nurture human resources from a long-term perspective, we actively provide learning opportunities for Pros, as well as encourage and support self-development activities.


1. Partners in equal position
Fair and reasonable standards are applied when selecting suitable suppliers for the purpose of business, and evaluation of the implementation process and quality is done on the same basis. All transactions are conducted based on equality and will not take any unfair advantage of any superior positions. Based on mutual respect, we recognize our partners as strategic partners and seek common interests and development.
2. Protecting supplier information
The information and trade secrets of the supplier shall not be used for purposes other than those provided for, except otherwise agreed or permitted by law, and non-public information or trade secrets of other companies shall not be acquired or utilized in an unfair manner.


1. Value for our customers
Blank's growth is based on solving problems for our customers. We constantly strive to find the solutions they need and continue to create new and innovative ideas, so that can be of practical help and satisfaction to our customers.
2. Customer respect
We always respect and listen to the opinions of our customers, think and act rationally on behalf of the company.
3. Customer Protection
We know and understand the importance of any personal or confidential information and handle them professionally.


1. Compliance with laws and social norms
We comply with all laws and regulations, social norms and standards in all areas of our business activities, and respect the culture and commerce practices of the local communities. We comply with international standards related to human rights and environment.
2. Contribution to social and cultural development
In addition to fulfilling the obligations of paying taxes and declarations, and considering whether services by Blank will cause harm to the society and culture, we actively reflect the importance of healthy culture formation in the community during the management activities such as protecting the youth. We do not discriminate or prejudice the diverse stakeholders of society, including customers, business partners, and professionals, for any reason, such as age, gender, race, religion, region, or physical condition. We will continue to enrich the lives of people through continuous value-raising and enhance the quality of life. We will create social responsibility through social contribution activities, education, culture, and welfare projects.